Tuesday 13 September 2011


We should give it up for bow ties for never losing their place in fashion..The bow tie originated among Croatian during the Prussian wars of the 17th century: the Croat mercenaries used a scarf around the neck to hold together the opening of their shirts.This was soon adopted to be the cravat .

we have the regency cravat....
the victorian cravat

and the classic cravat..

The cravat then evolved into the bow tie .
we have the polka dot bow tie

the stripped bowtie

the tweed bowtie..ope you remember the tweed material from our earlier post on jackets..

 The silk bow tie..

And for the gothic/ bikers we have the studded and leather bow ties..

Get a good feeling from the velvet bow ties  

The  Denim bow tie..oh this is a classic..

Here is a tutorial on how to tie one..
mygal bowing out..


  1. i'd xo rock that classic cravat iv alwys wntd to bt nw see'n im so tryn em tahday

  2. thanks chulala i know it looked awesome ey..
